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Forum Acusticum Euronoise 2025

June 23 - June 26

We are pleased to invite you to contribute to Main Theme A13: Physiological Acoustics and Audiology at Forum Acusticum Euronoise 2025 (https://www.fa-euronoise2025.org/), which will take place in Málaga, Spain, from June 23rd to 26th, 2025.

Main Theme A13 comprises 7 structured sessions. The organizers of each session are shown in bold: 

0.General session:

- Deborah Vickers
-Milagros J. Fumero
-Miriam I. Marrufo-Pérez

1.Spatial Hearing Assessment with Neural Measures

- Katarina Poole
- Lorenzo Picinali

2.Presbycusis and Multilingualism

- Ellie Harding
- Merel Keijzer

3.Asymmetric hearing loss - clinical solutions and functionality

- Ben Williges
- Stefan Zirn

4.Audiology diagnostic techniques

- Jaime Undurraga
- Miguel Temboury Gutierrez

5.Early intervention in deaf infants

- Carlos Benitez Barrera
- Liat Kishon Rabin 

6.Advancements and Challenges in Military Acoustics: Physiological and Audiological Perspectives

- Nir Fink
- Marian Weger


On behalf of the organizing committee of A-19 “Numerical, computational and theoretical acoustics” at Forum Acusticum Euronoise 2025 (FA25), the 11th EAA Annual European Conference on Acoustics and Noise Control Engineering, which is  organized by the Spanish Acoustical Society and held in Malaga (Spain), from June 23rdto 26th, 2025, I want to highlight the following Special Sessions and their organizers:

  • A19-01 General topics of numerical and computational acoustics [M. Hornikx (TU/e) and J.-D. Chazot (UTC)]
  • A19-02 Numerical methods for acoustics and vibration  [D. Panagiotopoulos (KU Leuven) and D. Mayrhofer (TUG)]
  • A19-03 Data-driven methods in acoustics and vibration [M. Maeder (TUM) and E. Zea (KTH)]
  • A19-04 Uncertainty Quantification in Aero- and Vibro-Acoustics [N. Xiang (RPI) and A. Mohammad-Djafari (CNRS)]
  • A19-05 Numerical methods for acoustic materials and metamaterials [L. Godinho (UCoimbra) and O. Dazel (CNRS)]
  • A19-06 Methods for advanced computational aeroacoustics [S. Schoder (TUG), G. Bernardini, and F. Avallone]
  • A19-07 Validation and Benchmarks in Computational Acoustics [A. Prinn (ISS), L. Aspöck (RWTH Aachen), S. Schoder (TUG), and M. Maeder (TUM)]
  • A19-08 Numerical methods for wave propagation in complex media [A. Prieto-Aneiros (UCoruna) and               P. Amado-Mendes (UCoimbra)]


Papers can be submitted for oral or poster presentation through the Forum Acusticum Euronoise 2025 website: https://www.fa-euronoise2025.org. The abstract (200 words) submission deadline is January 19th, 2025. Please note that the full papers must be submitted by March 23rd, 2025, in case of acceptance.


As organizers of the Main Theme “A21:Product Sound Quality & Sound-driven Design”, let us draw your attention to the set of sessions considered in our theme, which can be found through https://www.fa-euronoise2025.org/structured-sessions-2. Given your expertise in this area, we would like to cordially invite you to submit a paper to any of these sessions. Please, select the General session in case of the other proposed sessions are not adequate for the topic of your paper, but the main theme is appropriate.


Our goal is to establish and spread a design culture on sound and listening. Sound-driven design represents a shift from ‘designing sound’, as an object to be designed, towards ‘designing for listening experience’. We consider listening as a design element that can offer granularity to the design process and that highlights human-centered qualities of the sound-driven design space, as well as the role of the senses in the experience of the sound quality of products and systems. We feel the urgency to fill the gap with the real-world practice, which is consolidating and already tackling the wicked problems of creating or improving our listening experience of products, media, cinema, video games, appliances and environments at large. Our theme focusses on three main areas of interest: Applied sound-driven design (A-21-01); Listening experience in sound-driven design (A-21-02); Methodologies for sound-driven design and education. 


Papers can be submitted for oral or poster presentation through the Forum Acusticum Euronoise 2025 website: https://www.fa-euronoise2025.org.


Submission deadline for abstracts not longer than 200 words is January 19th, 2025, while papers need to be submitted by March 23rd, 2025, in case of abstract acceptance.


We are pleased to invite you to contribute to Main Theme A24 - Virtual Acoustics at Forum Acusticum Euronoise 2025, the 11th EAA Annual European Conference on Acoustics and Noise Control Engineering, which will take place in Málaga, Spain, from June 23rd to 26th, 2025.


Main Theme A24 encompasses 13 structured sessions, covering a wide range of topics in virtual acoustics:

  1. A24.1 General
  2. A24.2 Audiovisual rendering of virtual acoustic spaces and multimodal evaluation
  3. A24.3 Audio Immersion and Cognition in XR
  4. A24.4 Interactive rendering of virtual acoustic spaces in 6 degrees of freedom
  5. A24.5 Virtual acoustics and binaural AR in hearing research: challenges of a new paradigm (shared with A14)
  6. A24.6 Virtual reconstructions in Archaeoacoustic research (shared with A15)
  7. A24.7 Networked music performances: evaluation and implementation (shared with A11)
  8. A24.8 Real-time audio generation for interactive virtual environments (games and beyond) (shared with A11)
  9. A24.9 Realistic Binaural Auralization of Rooms (shared with A15)
  10. A24.10 Source directivity: capturing, processing, and evaluating its effects (shared with A16)
  11. A24.11 Processing/individualization/interpolation of HRIRs or BRIRs (shared with A16)
  12. A24.12 Capture, analysis, and reproduction methods of virtual acoustic spaces with distributed microphones or microphone arrays (shared with A16)
  13. A24.13 Auralization of environmental noise sources (shared with A05)


We encourage researchers and practitioners to submit their abstracts to any of these sessions through the conference website:

Forum Acusticum Euronoise 2025


Key dates:

  1. 19/01/2025 - Abstract submission deadline
  2. 04/02/2025 - Abstract acceptance announcement
  3. 23/03/2025 - Paper submission deadline
  4. 06/04/2025 - Paper acceptance announcement
  5. 20/04/2025 - Early bird registration deadline


June 23
June 26
Event Category: