We are excited to invite you to the 2025 MidWinter Meeting, which will be held in Orlando, Florida, USA,
from February 22 to 26, 2025.
Updates for 2025 abstract submission processes for Poster/Podium Presentations and Symposium/Workshops are COMING SOON!
Symposia, Young Investigator Symposia and Special Sessions
The ARO Program Committee welcomes Symposia, Young Investigator Symposia and Special Session submissions for the MidWinter Meeting. The submission deadline is Saturday, June 14, 2024, at 11:59 PM Eastern Time. Late submissions will not be considered.
Symposia are organized as a series of oral presentations on a theme. Preference will be given to submissions that (i) strive for timely syntheses across or within existing disciplines; (ii) explore novel approaches that will expand research in new directions; (iii) include diverse speakers who are first-time ARO speakers, women, represent different labs, include speakers spanning career levels, and/or speakers from underrepresented groups. Speakers from outside the usual ARO circle are encouraged insofar as they contribute a novel perspective. Submissions that bridge clinical and basic research are encouraged. Submissions on topics covered by other recent ARO Symposia or Special Sessions (formerly known as Workshops) are discouraged (see recent ARO Program books https://aro.org/meetings/past-midwinter-meetings/).
Young Investigator Symposia should be organized by a young investigator and the majority of participants should also be young investigators. A young investigator is someone who is within 10 years since receiving an AuD, PhD or MD. Young Investigator Symposia are otherwise subject to the same guidelines as Symposia. Please see the Symposia Submission section above for more details.
For both Symposia and Young Investigator Symposia, there is a required format:
- All Symposia have a maximum duration of 2 hours.
- Individual presentations may be either 15 or 30 minutes, but at least one 30-minute presentation is required. Combinations of 15/30 minute presentations are welcome.
- A minimum of 4 and a maximum of 7 presenters may be named.
- Allocation of presentation times is at the discretion of the organizers. Symposium chairs will be asked to allocate speaking times for each presenter if the symposium is selected for presentation.
The Workshop category has now been replaced with the Special Sessions category. This will allow organizers to design and propose a variety of presentation formats such as a moderated panel, a debate, a public forum, an interactive session, a workshop, or another session type on a topic that is of interest to ARO members. Special Sessions are typically 1 hour in length; however, 2 hours may be approved based on rationale showing that the extended time slot is warranted. There is no required format or limitations on the style of the session. Please be creative. Submissions on topics covered by other recent ARO Symposia or Special Sessions (formerly known as Workshops) are discouraged (see recent ARO Program books, https://aro.org/meetings/past-midwinter-meetings/).
Available Financial Support for non-ARO members:
- Travel funds are available for non-ARO members presenting in accepted Symposia or Special sessions. However, a budget justification should be included with each proposal which identifies which speaker(s) would be supported by these funds, estimated travel costs and the total amount requested.
- A maximum of 2 non-ARO members speakers are eligible for up to $1500 USD each which totals a maximum of $3,000 USD that can be requested for each accepted Symposium or Special session. ARO will also provide eligible non-ARO member speakers with a promo code for waived registration fees. View the full Speaker Funding policy
- Non-ARO member speakers are those who have NOT had membership or registration activity in ARO since 2020 (within 5 years of the speaking engagement). If you or your speakers are unsure about eligibility for financial support, contact headquarters@aro.org to verify past participation.
- Non-ARO members may receive funding from only one symposium/session per meeting.
- If your Symposium or Special session is accepted, your budget for travel funds will then be reviewed by the Program Committee leadership. Allocation of travel funds will be offered based on the proposal review score and the available funds.
- Travel funds are given as reimbursement after the meeting based on receipts submitted.
Please Note: As Symposia or Special Session Chair, you are responsible for communicating this policy to any speakers you invite. Please see the Speaker Travel Funding Policy for more information.
Submission details:
All submissions must be submitted through the online system. Please access submission via the ARO conference website. Proposals can be edited until the submission deadline of June 14, 2024. Notifications of accepted proposals will be emailed no later than mid-late July.
Symposia submissions must include the following:
- The Symposium title
- Select a category that is applicable to your symposium proposal
- Overall symposium description (at a maximum of 300 words)
- Individual abstract title for EACH presentation, as well as the name of the presenter, and demographic information to include the following to ensure diversity within sessions:
- Geographic location
- Gender
- Race/Ethnicity
- Career Status
- Lab Affiliation
- List of Co-Authors for EACH presentation
- Abstract for EACH presentation (at a maximum of 400 words)
- If travel funds are requested for speakers who are non-ARO members, include a budget justification which identifies which speaker(s) would be supported by these funds, estimated travel costs and the total amount requested (see guidelines above)
Special Session proposals must include the following:
- The Special Session title
- A selected category that is applicable to your Special Session proposal
- Overall Special Session description (at a maximum of 300 words)
- Individual abstract title for EACH presentation as well as the name of the presenter, and demographic information to include the following to ensure diversity within sessions:
- Geographic location
- Gender
- Race/Ethnicity
- Career Status
- Lab affiliation
- List of ALL presenters and Co-Authors for EACH presentation(s)
- Abstract for EACH presentation(s) (at a maximum of 400 words each)
- A rationale if a 2-hour time slot is requested
- If travel funds are requested for speakers who are non-ARO members, include a budget justification which identifies which speaker(s) would be supported by these funds, estimated travel costs and the total amount requested (see guidelines above)
If you have any additional questions, please contact the Executive Office at headquarters@aro.org
Poster/Podium Submissions
Poster/Podium Submissions
Opens yearly in August. Late submissions are not considered.
The Association for Research in Otolaryngology is accepting abstracts for the 48th Annual MidWinter Meeting to be held in person from February 22-26, 2025, in Orlando, Florida. To be considered for presentation, all abstracts must be completed and submitted online no later than 11:59 PM Eastern Time on September 23rd!
All presenters will first update their profile. To update, log in as an existing user with either your institution or personal email address; https://aro.societyconference.com/v2/, select UPDATE PROFILE. If you are new to ARO, you will need to create your account.
Please select ‘Start a New Scientific Submission’ from Actions. The submission type the presenter will select is POSTER/PODIUM. *Important: NEW THIS YEAR:If you are a PI submitting the abstract and are planning for your student to present,please have your student create a Non-Member FREE account before reaching out for a presenter change. For the student to create an account, please follow this link:https://aro.societyconference.com/v2/ After the abstract has been submitted, the submission fee is paid, and the student has created their account, please email ARO atheadquarters@aro.org to have the submission changed over to the student who will make the presentation at the MidWinter Meeting. You can access submission instructions here.
Within the POSTER/PODIUM submission, presenters will be asked if they wish to apply for a travel award and/or one of the three presentation type offerings:
- Travel Award Application:
- Applicants will select Yes or No to apply for a travel award. You may not apply for a Travel Award if you are a previous awardee. Application requirements:
- Upload your current CV in PDF format only. *
- Rationale Statement (a brief statement (max 1 page)) about why you wish to attend and what you hope to achieve at the ARO MidWinter Meeting; upload text into field. *
- Enter the name of your PI/Lab.*
- Enter your self-identification
- Applicants will select Yes or No to apply for a travel award. You may not apply for a Travel Award if you are a previous awardee. Application requirements:
- Poster Presentation:
- If the presenter wishes to submit a live poster presentation, nothing more, choose Poster Presentation Only.
- There is no digital only offering for this meeting. (e.g., pre-recorded talks or livestreams)
- Poster presenters will be able to upload an e-poster for viewing in the mobile app and e-poster hall, in addition to their physical poster.
- Presenters will not be allowed to only upload an e-poster as poster presenters must attended the meeting in person.
- Podium Presentation:
- A Podium Presentation is a live, on-stage, 12-minute oral presentation with 3-minutes of live, audience Q&A. (15-minutes of total presentation time).
- A PowerPoint or Keynote presentation is required for this presentation type.
- There is no digital only offering for the meeting. (e.g., pre-recorded talks or livestreams)
- All submissions are reviewed by the Program Committee, if the presenter is selected to present a podium presentation, no poster presentation is allowed.
- Submission Fees:
*The abstract submission fee is a separate fee from the MidWinter Meeting registration fee.
- ARO Members $45 per submission
- Non-members $135 per submission
*No refunds will be given if a non-member joins ARO after submitting an abstract. Payment must be made at the time of submission for a submission to be considered complete.
Please read carefully before submitting an abstract for a Poster or Podium Presentation:
- There is no limit on the number of contributed abstract submissions from any one person or lab, fees are charged per
- Abstract submissions are not required to be sponsored by an ARO member.
- There is no additional cost to withdraw an abstract; however, there will be no refund of the fee after the abstract has been successfully submitted.
- When submitting your abstract, you will be asked to identify your abstract’s primary category for review.
- Abstracts will include an overview of the research background, methods, results, and conclusions in text form only, no graphs or images are uploaded.
- Background: Make the specific aim of the presentation clear and relate to current literature.
- Methods: Where relevant, describe the sample including size, variables measured and interventions clearly.
- Results: Should be clear to a broad ARO audience including presenting findings and looping in clinical relevance. Summarize qualitative and/or quantitative changes and note the clinical significance of the outcomes.
- Conclusions: Emphasize new and important aspects of the findings and the conclusions drawn from them. Describe how findings are relevant to the science and practice of Otolaryngology, the need for future research or clinical investigation. Include or mention key “take-away” messages that will be presented.
- The online abstract submission will collect only text. (Figures, graphics and tables will be included in the physical poster).
- The word limit is 450 words maximum per abstract. This word count does not include the title or co-author list.
- In the title text box, enter the abstract title exactly as you wish it to appear in the ARO Program and Abstract books. All information will be displayed and published exactly as it has been submitted. Double-check all spelling and capitalization. No copyediting will be performed, and no embarrassing typos will be corrected. Titles must be in Title Case, which is Initial Caps on All Significant Words. Do NOT type the title in all uppercase. *Example of Title Case: Molecular Basis of Obvious Hearing Loss in the Walking Dead
- The abstract submitter is responsible for ensuring that all information in the abstract is exactly as the authors wish it to appear.
- Following successful submission of an abstract, you can edit any of the fields until the deadline. Edits are not possible after the deadline.
Abstracts will be reviewed and selected for presentation based on significance, relevance, innovation, appropriate analytic approach, findings, implications for research and practice, and clarity of writing. Preference will be given to proposals that (i) strive for timely syntheses across or within existing disciplines; (ii) explore novel approaches that will expand research in new directions; (iii) include speakers who are first-time ARO speakers, women, and/or speakers from underrepresented minorities. Speakers from outside the usual ARO circle are encouraged insofar as they contribute a novel perspective. Proposals that bridge clinical and basic research are encouraged.
Questions regarding the submission process or the MidWinter Meeting, please contact the ARO headquarters by email at headquarters@aro.org.
ARO Scholars Submissions
ARO Scholars Submission Information
Opens yearly in late September-early October
Supported by the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) and the ARO Diversity & Minority Affairs Committee, ARO is offering a funded opportunity for undergraduate students conducting research in Otolaryngology, Audiology, Hearing Science, or Auditory Neuroscience to attend the 2025 MidWinter Meeting (MWM). Selected ARO Scholars will work with mentors and have the chance to present their research.
This program aims to recruit underrepresented students in auditory research and related scientific fields, fostering diversity in ARO’s mission areas. It is guided by ARO’s commitment to enriching scientific research through diverse perspectives and experiences and is overseen by the Diversity & Minority Affairs Committee.
Program Details
The ARO Scholar will have the opportunity to present the results of their current research as a poster at the ARO MidWinter Meeting. During the program the Scholar and their mentor are encouraged to have regular meetings. The Scholar is required to attend the ARO MidWinter Meeting, however, should the applicant have a conflict, the program will evaluate on a case-by-case basis:
- February 22-26, 2025 – Orlando, Florida
- Scholar is required to attend the Awards Ceremony
- Scholar is required to actively engage in the MWM by attending sessions
- Scholar is required to provide feedback via the post MWM evaluation survey
- Scholar is required to provide feedback on the ARO Scholars program and their experience as an awardee via follow up surveys
- The Scholar is also encouraged to present a poster at the 2025 MWM.
Each Award will include:
- Opportunity to present a poster at the meeting
- Invitation to attend the 2025 ARO MidWinter Meeting
- An ARO member mentor and a Career Mentor should the Scholar not have one or either in place
- Roundtrip coach air fare up to $500 to attend the ARO MidWinter Meeting
- Up to five (5) nights lodging in the meeting hotel
- Paid MidWinter Meeting registration fee
- Up to $100 for ground transportation to and from the meeting hotel for arrival to and departure from the meeting location
- Up to $50 per day for 5 days for meals and miscellaneous expenses
Eligibility criteria:
- Anyone who identifies as being from a group that is under-represented in science is encouraged to apply. These groups include (but are not limited to) those who identify as Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, Sexual and Gender Minorities, individuals with disabilities, and individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. Members of these groups or other groups that are under-represented in science are encouraged to apply.
- The applicant must be attending (or planning to attend) an accredited school or university and must have an interest in the fields of Otolaryngology, Audiology, Hearing Science, or Auditory Neuroscience.
- The applicant must demonstrate a desire and commitment to research, with one or more designated mentors who may or may not be located at their home institution.
- The applicant must have the Principal Investigator attest to supporting the Scholars participation in this program.
- At least one mentor must be an ARO member. Should an applicant not know an ARO member, the ARO Executive Office will assist in finding them an appropriate mentor.
Please read carefully before submitting.
Application procedure:
All applications must be completed online. Individuals should have the below documents prepared to upload when completing the online application:
For Undergraduate Applicants:
- A curriculum vitae
- A written statement (500 words or less) summarizing the applicants professional goals, description of current/previous research or interest in research and any applicable experience, what the applicant hopes to gain from attending the 2025 ARO MWM, and a short justification describing why the applicant should be one of four chosen Scholars.
- A brief statement describing how you identify as a part of a historically underrepresented group in STEM.
- One letter of current and continued support from an ARO member who is willing to serve as a mentor. If the applicant and mentor are not located at the same institution or in the same city, the applicant should describe his/her plan for maintaining close communication with the mentor. Should an applicant not know an ARO member, the applicant may submit a letter of current and continued support from their current mentor, and the ARO Executive Office will assist in finding them an appropriate ARO member to serve as a mentor.
Only applications submitted online via the application will be accepted. All materials must be uploaded together to be considered for the program and must be received by November 1, 2024. Questions about the award may be directed to Kristin Johnson in the ARO Executive Office. She may be reached at headquarters@aro.org. The Diversity & Minority Affairs Committee will select awardees after scoring all the applications in the month November. Awardees will be notified in December. The Award must be used the year of selection.
Once selected, the Scholar will receive communication from the ARO Executive Office with instructions on how to submit their poster if they have not already done so, as well as details on award disbursement.
Travel Award Submissions
Travel Award Submission
Opens yearly in July. Late submissions are not considered.
The Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) announces that travel awards applications are being accepted to attend the 2025 ARO MidWinter Meeting being held on February 22-26, in Orlando, Florida. The travel award value will be $500 for U.S. based awardees and $750 for internationally located awardees.
Eligible applications will be reviewed and scored by the Travel Awards Committee. The highest scoring applicant from the graduate student category will be awarded a Don Henderson Travel Award of $1,500.
The purpose of the travel award program is to support trainees in attending the Midwinter Meeting and becoming active member in the ARO community. The funds for travel awards come from generous donations from various companies and institutions.
The ARO is committed to inclusiveness, as such individuals with a disability (e.g. loss of hearing, vision, or mobility, as well as individuals with a psychiatric or learning disability) and individuals from groups historically under-represented in the biomedical sciences (e.g. African American, Hispanic, Native American, Alaskan native, or Pacific Islander) are highly encouraged to apply
Applications for ARO Audiologist Travel Awards:
Eligibility criteria:
- Applicants must be current ARO members at the time of application, and at the time of the MidWinter Meeting.
- Applicants must be full-time audiology graduate students or audiology postdoctoral research fellows carrying out research pertinent to the interests of ARO.
- Applicants must submit a first-author abstract for review along with their application materials.
- Applicants must attend the MidWinter meeting in person to receive travel award funds.
Application procedure:
- Applicants must complete the electronic application form.
- Applicants must upload a personal statement (1 page limit) describing why they wish to attend and what they hope to achieve at the MidWinter meeting. Information on financial hardship can be included.
- Self identification *optional*: ARO is committed to inclusiveness. If an applicant is from a historically under-represented group in the biomedical sciences. (max 300 words)
- Applicants must upload a Curriculum Vitae.
- Letters of recommendation are NOT required, however if more than one applicant comes from a group/program, the supervisor/director/chairperson may be asked to prioritize applicants.
Applications for ARO Graduate Student Travel Awards:
Eligibility criteria:
- Applicants must be current ARO members at the time of application, and at the time of the MidWinter Meeting.
- Applicants must be full-time graduate students carrying out research pertinent to the interests of the ARO (Note: Postdoctoral Fellows, Medical students / Residents and Audiologists should NOT apply under this category).
- Applicants must submit a first-author abstract for review along with their application materials.
- Applicants must attend the MidWinter meeting in person to receive travel award funds.
Application procedure:
- Applicants must complete the electronic application form.
- Applicants must upload a personal statement (500 words) describing why they wish to attend and what they hope to achieve at the MidWinter meeting. Information on financial hardship can be included.
- Self identification *optional*: ARO is committed to inclusiveness. If an applicant is from a historically under-represented group in the biomedical sciences. (max 300 words)
- Applicants must upload a Curriculum Vitae.
- Letters of recommendation are NOT required, however if more than one applicant comes from a group/program, the supervisor/director/chairperson may be asked to prioritize applicants.
Applications for ARO Post-Doctoral Travel Awards:
Eligibility criteria:
- Applicants must be current ARO members at the time of application, and at the time of the MidWinter Meeting.
- Applicants must be post-doctoral fellows carrying out research pertinent to the interests of the ARO, and not have a research-track, or tenure-track faculty appointment.
- Applicants must submit a first-author abstract for review along with their application materials.
- Applicants must attend the MidWinter meeting in person to receive travel award funds.
Application procedure:
- Applicants must complete the electronic application form.
- Applicants must upload a personal statement (500 words), describing why they wish to attend and what they hope to achieve at the MidWinter meeting. Information on financial hardship can be included.
- Self identification *optional*: ARO is committed to inclusiveness. If an applicant is from a historically under-represented group in the biomedical sciences. (max 300 words)
- Applicants must upload a Curriculum Vitae.
- Letters of recommendation are NOT required, however if more than one applicant comes from a group/program, the supervisor/director/chairperson may be asked to prioritize applicants.
Applications for ARO Resident / Medical Student Travel Awards:
Eligibility criteria:
- Applicants must be current ARO members at the time of application, and at the time of the MidWinter Meeting.
- Applicants must be a Resident in Otolaryngology or a medical student (Note: Post-doctoral clinical or research fellows are not eligible for this award).
- Applicants must submit a first-author abstract for review along with their application materials.
- Applicants must attend the MidWinter meeting in person to receive travel award funds.
Application procedure:
- Applicants must complete the electronic application form.
- Applicants must upload a personal statement (500 words) describing why they wish to attend and what they hope to achieve at the MidWinter meeting. Information on financial hardship can be included.
- Self identification *optional*: ARO is committed to inclusiveness. If an applicant is from a historically under-represented group in the biomedical sciences. (max 300 words)
- Applicants must upload a Curriculum Vitae.
- Letters of recommendation are NOT required, however if more than one applicant comes from a group/program, the supervisor/director/chairperson may be asked to prioritize applicants.
Childcare Grant
Childcare grant
Grants of $500 will be disbursed to offset childcare costs related to travel to the ARO midwinter meeting. Examples of expenses are to pay a caregiver during the conference, and to pay for airfare for children or caregiver. Up to 20 grants will be awarded; if applicants exceed this number, priority will be given to earlier career stage applicants. The funds will be disbursed after the MidWinter Meeting via reimbursement based on reciepts/invoices provided by the awardee.
Application deadline: 9/30/2024-10/30/2024
Poster Blitz Presentation Competition Details
Poster Blitz Presentation Competition:
- If the presenter is submitting multiple abstracts, only ONE (1) POSTER abstract submission will be considered per lab for a Poster Blitz Presentation.
- All Poster Blitz applications are reviewed by the Poster Blitz Organizers.
- The Poster Blitz Presentation is open only to Graduate Students and Postdoc Fellows with three years or less of postdoc experience, NO individuals in a Faculty Position are eligible. Within the submission you will be asked to attest you are a Graduate Student or Postdoc Fellow.
- A Poster Blitz Presentation is a fast-paced, live, on-stage, 5-minute presentation with no audience Q&A.
- If selected for this presentation type, the presenter WILL ALSO present the poster in one of the assigned, live, poster sessions.
- There is no digital only offering for this meeting. (e.g., pre-recorded talks or livestreams)
- You can only be a poster blitz award recipient in the competition only one (1) time, you can participate as often as you are eligible. During the in-person poster blitz competition session, a diverse panel of researchers and clinicians will rank the presenter’s ability to convey the impact of their work, the clarity of the presentation, and the overall impression of the project. The winners of the poster blitz session will be recognized at the beginning of the Award of Merit Lecture.
- Two categories of experience will be selected for awards: Student and Postdoc. Three winners will be selected as 1st, 2nd and 3rd place under each category. This annual competition is generously funded by ARO and provides two monetary awards for 1st Place ($50.00) for each category, Student and Postdoc.
1st Place | $50.00 USD, Certificate of Achievement for inclusion in CV and recognition in the Award of Merit Lecture | $50.00 USD, Certificate of Achievement for inclusion in CV and recognition in the Award of Merit Lecture |
2nd Place | Certificate of Achievement for inclusion in CV and recognition in the Award of Merit Lecture | Certificate of Achievement for inclusion in CV and recognition in the Award of Merit Lecture |
3rd Place | Certificate of Achievement for inclusion in CV and recognition in the Award of Merit Lecture | Certificate of Achievement for inclusion in CV and recognition in the Award of Merit Lecture |