History and Mission
The Association was founded in 1973. It is under the direction of the ARO Council that consists of a President, a Past President, a President-Elect, a Secretary-Treasurer, a Communications Officer, a Program Chair, a Nominating Committee Chair, and three Council Members At-Large, all of whom are elected from and by the membership.
The functions of the organization are established by bylaws carried out with the help of the following committees and often with counsel from past presidents. If you have any questions that relate to a particular committee, please contact the chair of that committee.
Our Mission
The aims of the Association shall be encouragement and promotion of research, both basic and clinical, in the broad field of Otolaryngology and related areas; to foster friendly assembly and stimulate scientific interest among its members; to this end, the Association shall hold scientific meetings at regular intervals and engage in such activities as the membership deems appropriate to achieve these objectives.
The MidWinter Meeting is held each year and is the primary meeting of the society. At this meeting an Award of Merit is given to a scientist for recognition of outstanding scientific achievement. The Award of Merit recipients were duly recognized at ceremonies highlighting both their life and their science.

Dr. David Lim was ARO's historian from its inception until his death in 2018. On the 25th anniversary of the ARO, he prepared a video celebrating this milestone.
Dr. Gerald Popelka, ARO’s Editor for over a decade, conceived the ARO’s first website and JARO. This video is from a special session at the 1996 ARO MidWinter meeting, now over 25 years ago, that shows two of his presentations, the first describing his implementation of the first website followed by the second describing his view of future scientific publishing, the elements of which led to his spearheading the creation of JARO.
Photos from ARO History