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Other Meetings/Workshops/Courses

Is there a hearing research meeting, workshop, or course you would like to see featured on our website? Submit your request to today!

Head to the new Calendar page to see upcoming events!

2024 -NIDCD’s Annual EARssentials Workshop

July 8-12, 2024 (lectures)

July 22-26, 2024 (labs)

Two weeks of half-day with hybrid lectures, discussions, and labs hosted by NIDCD!

Topics: inner ear development and morphology, auditory/vestibular function, genetics of hearing loss, stereocilia structure, mechanotransduction, zebrafish lateral line, hair cell regeneration, cell death, spiral ganglion, and more!

FREE course registration! To apply, contact:

Click Here to visit the website and learn more!

2024 Design Research Society (DSR) Conference

Resistance, Recovery, Reflection, Reimagination

June 24th-28th, 2024 Northeastern University, Boston, MA USA

CLICK HERE to visit the conference website today!

2024 NIDCD Virtual Workshop on Dissemination & Implementation Science in Communication Disorders

Save the date (Oct 24-25, 12-5 eastern): NIDCD’s Virtual Workshop on Dissemination & Implementation Science in Communication DisordersThe National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) will host a free, virtual workshop to kick-off the strategic plan theme on translating and implementing scientific advances into standard clinical care. All are welcome to attend. No registration is required. The event will be recorded and the recording will be available on the workshop website shortly after the live event. Bookmark the workshop site for future details and hold the time on your calendar.