September 4-5, 2025. This meeting has previously gone by several other names: ‘Basic Auditory Science (BAS)’, ‘Ear & Hear’, and more.
ASM2025 (meeting website) will take place at Nottingham Trent University (UK) and will be organised by the NTU Hearing Research group and the University of Nottingham Hearing Sciences. Registration will include lunch, refreshments, and a conference dinner. We are currently working to ensure that these costs are kept as low as possible. You will have to organise your own accommodation, but this is plentiful as the meeting is to be held in the heart of the city of Nottingham.
Research topics to include but not be limited by the following:
Abstract submission and registration will open on 28th April, and the deadline for both is 27th June. We expect to be able to give details of both in April.