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Two Post-Doctoral Positions in the lab of Prof. Zubair Ahmed- University of Maryland, School of Medicine, Baltimore

Two Post-Doctoral Positions in Understanding the Molecular Basis of Inherited Hearing Loss and Developing New Therapeutics

Two NIH-funded POSTDOCTORAL positions are available immediately in the lab of Prof. Zubair Ahmed (Laboratory of Neurogenetics and Translational Research) at the.

Our mission: Usher syndrome (USH) is the leading cause of inherited deaf-blindness. Children with USH have hearing and vestibular deficits as well as retinitis pigmentosa. We use a broad range of techniques from human genetics, viral-mediated gene delivery, neurophysiological and molecular studies in vivo and in vitro, using tissue culture, mouse models, and zebrafish. Our ultimate goal is to understand the molecular basis of hearing deficits in USH kids and to develop new treatments to restore their hearing and vestibular functions.

Job description: Two NIH funded full-time postdoctoral positions leading projects related to the molecular understanding of novel USH genes and translational approaches to improve hearing and vestibular functions in transgenic mouse models. These projects will require knowledge/training in the inner ear cell biology, animal models, high resolution imaging, and physiological techniques (e.g. ABR, DPOAEs), amongst other techniques.

Ideal candidates are highly motivated and ambitious graduate of a PhD program in neuroscience, cellular or molecular biology, or biochemistry. Experience with working with mice is essential. Experience in the inner ear cell biology, or functional analysis is welcomed.  The candidate must be a team player, think critically and with excellent oral and written communication skills.

Environment: The laboratory is part of the departments of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery and Ophthalmology, and we are affiliated also with the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. The lab is housed in a newly build large open space at the University of Maryland – HSFIII, in a highly collaborative fashion. The University has state of the art confocal, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, proteomics, flow cytometry and immunology, animal and sequencing facilities. We have the skills and expertise to perform in-depth functional analyses of vision, auditory, and vestibular dysfunction in mouse and zebrafish. The team consists of graduate students, post docs, residents, and surgeons working together on basic science and translational studies. The postdoctoral appointments are renewed on an annual basis contingent on performance and available funding.

Benefits: Stipend follows the NIH recommended guidelines and full health benefits.

Contact: Applications for the position should include a cover letter describing major research achievements and skills, a curriculum vitae, and career goals statement. Please also provide contact information of three professional references. Materials should be sent to: Zubair Ahmed, PhD email:

Review of applications will continue until the position is filled.

To apply for this job email your details to