About ARO Awards
ARO Achievement Awards
See individual award tabs for more details on each ARO Honorific Award! The timetable for awards is listed below.
ARO Award of Merit
The ARO Award of Merit recognizes an individual who has made substantial scientific achievements in and contributions to the fields encompassed by otolaryngology. Nominees should be able to present a talk as part of the Award ceremony at the MidWinter Meeting the year of their award. The selection will be made in the Summer prior to the MidWinter Meeting.
The Geraldine Dietz Fox Young Investigator Award
The Geraldine Dietz Fox Young Investigator Award recognizes accomplishment and promise in research related to otolaryngology, in an area(s) represented at the Annual ARO meeting. Candidates should have a graduate degree (PhD, MD or equivalent) and be no more than 7 years beyond residency or postdoctoral training at the time of nomination. Only 1 letter of support is required; it may have multiple signatories. The selection will be made in the Fall prior to the MidWinter Meeting.
ARO Pioneer Award in Basic Science
The ARO Pioneer Award in Basic Science recognizes a body of work representing a significant advance in hearing, vestibular or related science, and established in the awardee’s own lab. The topic should be related to the scientific interests of the Association as represented at the Annual ARO meeting. As the award is for a body of work, the award may be shared among investigators who have worked as a team. The awardee(s) will be asked to give a scientific talk at the MidWinter Meeting the year of their award (one per award). The selection will be made in the Fall prior to the MidWinter Meeting.
ARO Innovator Award in Clinical Science
The ARO Innovator Award in Clincal Science recognizes a body of work that constitutes a significant advance relevant to clinical practice in hearing and vestibular disorders. The topic should be related to the scientific interests of the Association as represented at the Annual ARO meeting. As the award is for a body of work, the award may be shared among investigators who have worked as a team. The awardee(s) will be asked to give a scientific talk at the MidWinter Meeting the year of their award (one per award). The selection will be made in the Fall prior to the MidWinter Meeting.
ARO Travel Awards
For graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, residents, and audiologists, attendance at the MidWinter Meeting. See ARO Travel Awards for more information and to submit an application.