The ARO Mini-Grant Program, sponsored by the ARO Communication Committee, aims to support multiple individual ARO members to organize in-person events and develop sustainable partnerships with local community organizations. These events can vary in exact nature– examples may include a one-day science fair with a local science museum where ARO members present their work to the public, an arts/science collaborative event, or a group of ARO scientists presenting an educational series to a local school—but the principal goal is to help ARO members connect with local organizations.
Applications will be accepted and awarded on a rolling basis until the annual funding limit is reached. ARO anticipates ten (10) awards to be available in the first year of funding.
To facilitate the development of sustainable partnerships between ARO members and community organizations to provide science outreach and education.
Mini-grant applicants (ARO and spARO members) are invited to apply for a 1-year project with up to $1000 of funding. Multiple applications are permitted from the same individual or group. Proposals will be evaluated monthly by the Communication Committee based on partnership strength, feasibility and impact of the proposed activity, and potential for sustainable engagement. Applications will be accepted and awarded on a rolling basis until the annual funding limit is reached. We anticipate 10 awards to be available in the first year of funding.
All mini-grant recipients will be required to submit a final report after the 1-year grant period detailing activities completed. Recipients may be eligible for a second cycle of funding, in which a sustainability plan will be prioritized. All awarded proposals will be made available for viewing on the ARO website.