Design Guidelines
Your presentation should contain succinct headings that organize and logically display the information. Graphics should be explicit and brief. The poster display should focus on:
- Hypothesis or Objective
- Methods
- Results or Outcomes
The ARO Accessibility Committee recommends the following tools to help check your presentations/posters for colorblind accessibility. Please use one or more of these tools to check and ensure your presentation is accessible for all!
What is Needed to Upload an E-Poster
- *REQUIRED items are below:
- To audio record your presentation, you can utilize an online audio recording site (example: or use a voice recording app on your smart phone then upload the file. If an audio file is uploaded, when attendees view your e-poster they will be able to listen to your audio presentation.
- To audio record your presentation, you can utilize an online audio recording site (example: or use a voice recording app on your smart phone then upload the file. If an audio file is uploaded, when attendees view your e-poster they will be able to listen to your audio presentation.
- A PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG, or GIF of your poster. Images will be interactive and allow the user to zoom in/out, digital images are preferred. *PDF’s are allowed but loose resolution when enlarged (blurred) and is not recommended. Maximum file size is 8 MB.
- Upload an audio recording of a 1-3-minute presentation summary of your poster. This must be in a .mp3 or .AAV file format and cannot exceed 8 MB
- Upload a transcript (written version of your audio recording) of your poster.
ARO will encourage conference attendees to browse the e-posters. Attendees will be able to view your poster, leave a question or comment within the e-poster gallery.
How to Upload an E-Poster
All poster presenters are required to have their e-Posters uploaded to the virtual platform by January 31, 2023. *Note: It takes up to 24 hours after uploading the e-poster for it to show in the gallery. This includes last minute uploads during the live meeting.
- To begin your e-Poster upload, click the following link-
After logging in, click 'Submitter Actions' button (as seen to the below) to begin the process.
REMINDER- Registered ARO attendees will be able to view the e-posters prior to the meeting and viewing will remain open until 30 days post-meeting.
What is New About E-Posters?
As we transition the meeting to a virtual schedule, there are a few changes to the posters:
- All posters presenters will be e-poster only presenters
- There will be no designated poster times, but rather attendees will be encouraged to browse the e-poster gallery during breaks.
- Just as was available last year, attendees will be able to leave comments and questions on your poster within the virtual platform and you will be able to answer them at any time.
- We are no longer having poster presenters upload a Google Meets room to your poster. We encourage you to engage via the chat feature and comment section on your poster within the platform. Should an attendee request a private meeting to discuss the poster, you are welcome to set that up on your own. Those interested in having a private meet up with the poster author will leave a comment on the poster within the virtual platform or privately chat the presenter within the virtual platform. These private meetings will be a schedule & meet at your own convenience. ARO encourages the use of Google Meets for these private meetings due to closed captioning being available.
- Also like last year, attendees will be able to private message you within the platform.
These changes to the posters come from a desire to lessen any potential for Zoom fatigue and respect the time of our posters presenters.