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Call for Nominations for the 2023 ARO Award of Merit

ARO Award of Merit

Nominations are solicited for the ARO Award of Merit for 2023.   As noted in the ARO Bylaws, “The primary goal of the Award of Merit is to recognize an individual who has made substantial scientific achievements in and contributions to the fields encompassed by otolaryngology.”  In addition, candidates should be able to present a talk as part of the Award ceremony at the 2023 virtual MidWinter Meeting.   ARO membership is not required for nominators or nominees. See previous awardees.

Nominating Materials

To level the playing field, the Award of Merit Committee has decided to standardize nominating materials.  The nominator should submit the following:

  1. A letter of nomination that includes a description of the research contributions
  2. The nominee’s CV
  3. One-two additional letters of support.  (These can have multiple signatures if desired.)

Nominations are selected by the ARO Award of Merit Committee and submitted to ARO Council for approval.  A nominee’s package will be considered for up to 3 years in sequence; the package can be updated for the second and third years.  Nominations submitted in previous years without meeting the new standards should be resubmitted.